Curent status

Management of the version

openIMIS use a type 2 database were a row is added when a record is changed; there is two reasons:

in openIMIS, the first record is valid for the date-time of entry. if a item (product/service/price list ) need to start before then the Validity


This enable to see the historical record in order to see who made which changes

Manage multiple version of a record

For some tables the business logic will refer to version of a record valid at the time of claim submission

Management of the reference to versioned records

The reference use the rowid for the versioned Item which can ease the joining but complexify aggregations mostly for the Item that just need auditing.

Future status

Management of the version

With the modular architecture, mutation table were added into the picture, those table could easily answer the auditing needs but it is unlikely to be a suitable solution to manage the versioned record because recreating past record from the mutation will consume too much compute power.

Most of the Item that needs versioning might also need update without publishing a new version, on the other end new version validity date need to be configured by the users

List of table that needs versioning:

Management of the reference to versionned records

The strategy to reference to versionned Item should be discussed


1 live table, 1 log table

When a record is created, it is created in both table

When a record is modified, it is created in log table and modified in the live table

when a record is deleted, it is only on the live table



when using the live table, the historical value won’t be an issue

full llist available in the log table

2 tables should be managed

duplicate data

can be dificult to find the active record at a given time (can use TOP + order date creation ASC but it works only 1 reesult)



cluster index on the UUID + version (creation date … ) for the log table

schema could block the editing right of the log table

database trigger might be used for duplication

the queries can point to the wrong one

1 valid table, 1 old table

When a record is created, it is created in live table

When a record is modified, the old version is moved to the log table and modified the live table

when a record is deleted, it is moved on the live table



when using the live table, the historical value won’t be an issue

avoid data duplication

2 tables should be managed

UNION required to have the full list



cluster index on the UUID + version (creation date … ) for the log table

schema could block the editing right of the log table

during the mode the “Validity to” can be added in the old table

record might be modified in the live data by modules without creating old record

1 table with validity dates

When a record is created,

When a record is modified,

when a record is deleted,



easy to find the record valid at a given date

big table

difficult to manage clustered indexes

cannot have futuree value because the valitidy to as null is used to find line data



Managed this on the front end to enable futur value too

1 table with active column

When a record is created,

When a record is modified,

when a record is deleted,



big table



1 table with version increment

When a record is created,

When a record is modified,

when a record is deleted,



big table

