This wikipage presents the comparison between the beneficiary management related to the functionalities of CORE-MIS and openIMIS. It has for aim to highlight the main similarities, differences between both softwares.
-Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) -Public work programs -Training programs -Saving groups -Communication campaigns -Grievance redress mechanism -Targeting |
-Voucher schemes -Employment injury insurance -Unconditional cash transfer |
Source: Author with information found on DCI (2022) workshop presentation Workshop - open-source solution providers - Presentation - Digital Convergence Initiative (
> Eligibility assessment; Enrolment decision; Eligibility assessment; Beneficiary registry: Enrollment
> Payment administration; Payments provision; Services provision: Payment of benefits and provision of services.
> Conditionalities monitoring; Grievance redress mechanism: Monitoring and GRMs.
>Data analytics.
The steps of the social protection delivery chain comprised inputs and outputs elements as the beneficiary management of openIMS extracted from the JLN hence it seemed relevant to proceed to a comparison this way.