inbound payment aka invoice payment: payment that openIMIS recieves from some other third parties like Premium collection and Funding
See invoice model
change from invoice models
[OUT OF SCOPE]Insuree cash transfet
one accountPayable per insuree (for all dependant), one line per cash payment (level of Item and service)
one accountPayable per period, one line per cash payment claim
[out of scope]new signals are use to trigger action in another module:
Acceptance criteria
Insurance clerk generates claim bill per health facility for a given time period
Insurance clerk generates commission bill per EO for a given time period
Insurance clerk generates capitation bill per HF for a given time period
Insurance clerk display the bill with details
Insurance clerk add a payment on the bill
Insurance clerk print the bill
Insurance clerk delete a bill (this won’t delete the generating Item)
Invoice (also for invoice Item) Prefix will be 1561