Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Code (string)

  • Tradename (string)  with icontains field lookup

  • Location (4 Select, one per level)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm ) (Select)

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity) (Select)

  • DateValidFrom (Today by default) - Date Picker

  • DateValidTo - Date Picker

  • checkbox to show deleted

  • Launch search button

  • reset search button

  • (nice to have in R4) search per insuree

  • (nice to have in R4) search per contribution plan bundle


  • Code (varchar) (Mandatory, not editable once created)

  • TradeName (varchar) (Mandatory)

  • LocationsUUID (fk tblLocations) (Mandatory)

    • Search for location with Level - Code - Name (all strings)

  • Address (json): multiline TextInput

  • Phone (varchar): string + configurable Regex (default Regex: ^[0-9]*$) for validation/constraint

  • Fax (varchar): + configurable Regex for validation/constraint (for the testing we could use something like ^[1-9]{8,9}$)

  • Email (varchar): + std email field validation

  • ContactName (json)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • AccountancyAccount (varchar) + configurable Regex (default Regex: ^.+$) for validation/constraint

  • BankAccount (json)

  • PaymentReference (varchar) + configurable Regex (default Regex: ^.+$) for validation/constraint

  • DateValidFrom (date) (Mandatory)

  • DateValidTo (date)
