Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The process bellow will respect the location scope of the users, meaning that, to add a PolicyHolder for a region, the scheme clerk must have access to that very region.
The enrollment process that will be supported is defined by Nepal requirements. Althrough Although we try to make it broader, it might not support all the enrollment processes of all group insurances.


  • PolicyHolder

    • C/R/U/D (4 authorities)

  • PolicyHolderInsuree

    • C/R/U/D (4 authorities)

    • Approve (TBC)

  • PolicyHolderUser

    • C/R/U/D (4 authorities)


New role The following roles need to be created or updated with the new authorities (new roles have * ):

  • SchemeClerk (Clerk)

    • PolicyHolder*

      • C/R/U

    • PolicyHolderInsuree

      • C/R/U/D

      • Approve (TBC)


      • C/R/U

      • Submit

      • Approve

  • SchemeAdmin*

    • PolicyHolder

      • C/R/U/D

    • PolicyHolderInsuree

      • C/R/U/D

      • Approve (TBC)

    • PolicyHolderContributionPlan

      • C/R/U/D

  • PolicyHolderClerk*

    • PolicyHolderInsuree

      • C/R/U


Technical fields have **

PolicyHolder (HistoryBusinessModel)

  • Code (varchar 32)*

  • Version (integer - to be used for optimistic locking)**

  • TradeName (varchar 256)*

  • LocationsUUID (fk tblLocations)

    • Not limited to one level

  • Address (varchar/json 1024)

  • Phone (varchar 16)

  • Fax (varchar 16)

  • Email (varchar 256)

  • ContactName (varchar/json)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm)

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • AccountancyAccount (varchar 64)

  • ?bankAccount (varchar /json)

  • PaymentReference (varchar 128)

PolicyHolderInsuree (HistoryBusinessModel)

  • Version (integer - to be used for optimistic locking)

  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)*

  • InsureeUUID (fk Insuree)*

  • ContributionPlanBundleUUID (fk_contributionPlanBundle)

  • LastPolicyUUID (fk Policy)

PolicyHolderContributionPlanBundle (HistoryBusinessModel)

  • ContributionPlanBundleUUID (fk_contributionPlanBundle)*

  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)*

PolicyHolderUser (HistoryBusinessModel)

  • UserUUID (fk_user)*

  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)*


  • Display name (Code - Tradename )

  • Location

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • DateValidFrom (date)

  • DateValidTo (date)

  • Delete button (Trash) and Edit (Pen) buttons at the end of the line (see Location module)

MaterialUI (plus) to add a policy holder.

Double click or click on Edit button to update a PolicyHolder.


  • option to show inactive user

  • option to show past user (DateValidTo in the past)


  • date on which the user should be active

  • user search (contribution_fe ?)
