Mandatory fields have *
Technical fields have **
Field in HistoryModel:
UUID (UUIDField)**
isDeleted (bool)** default false
Json_ext (json)
DateCreated (date)**
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
UserCreatedUUID (fk users)**
on create:
save the action in the history log (django-simple-history)
UUID is generated by database
DateCreated (date)**
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
UserCreatedUUID (fk users)**
version = 1
on update:
save the action in the history log (django-simple-history)
check that the version save is still the same as the one in-memory
update the fields
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
version (+1)
on Delete:
save the action in the history log (django-simple-history)
check that the version save is still the same as the one in-memory
update the fields
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
version (+1)
isDeleted to True
Field in HistoryBusinessModel
HistoryModel fields
DateValidFrom (date)*
DateValidTo (date)
ReplacementUUID (UUID)
on create: same as HistoryModel
on update: same as HistoryModel
on Delete: same as HistoryModel
on Replace
create the new entity
save the action in the history log (django-simple-history)
UUID is generated on database level
DateCreated (date)**
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
UserCreatedUUID (fk users)**
version = 1
check that
DateValidFrom is not empty
update the fields for the entity to be replaced (ri)
save the action in the history log (django-simple-history)
check that the version save is still the same as the one in-memory
DateUpdated (date)**
UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)**
version (+1)
DateValidTo set to DateValidFrom the new entity(ni) if ni.DateValidFrom < ri.DateValidTo or ri.DateValidTo is null
ReplacementUUID set to UUID of new entity