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  • The user-defined Enrollment Date

  • The Product Administration Period

  • The Product Enrollment Grace Period

  • The Product Start Cycles (1,2,3,4)



If the Product has no Start Cycle, the Start Date = the Enrollment Date .+ Grace Period (if there is one)

If the Product has 1 (or more) Start Cycle, the Start Date = next cycle start (if enrollment within the grace period of the next cycle datestart)

Examples (with product of screenshot):

if Enrollment Date = 23/10/2020, then Start Date = 01/11/2020 (because 23/10/2020 < 01/12/2020 i.e. November cycle + 1 month grace)

if Enrollment Date = 15/11/2020, then Start Date = 01/11/2020 (because 15/11/2020 < 01/12/2020)

if Enrollment Date = 12/12/2020, then Start Date = 01/0106/2021 (next year first cycle)

Calculation of the Expiry Date


Calculation of the contributions

The contributions part is calculated based

Calculation of the registrations

Calculation of the assembly


There are 2 major strategies to compute contributions part: with a lump sum or without.

Without lump sum, the contributions amount is simply computed as “all” adults * adult contribution + “all” children * child contribution. There is no distinction by ‘relationship’ (so adults/other adults and children/other children are counted “equally” in the contribution part).

With lump sum, the base amount is the defined lump sum, where we add:

  • the “other” adults/children (* their relative contributions)

  • if there is a “Threshold members”, the count above that threshold * their relative contributions.


  • the threshold doesn’t concern the ‘other’ adults/children (which are ‘always’ added on top the lump sum)

  • the threshold first ‘consumes’ the (non-other) adults counts, before adding the children

Example: for a product with 10.000 lump sum, 1.000 adult contribution, 500 children contribution and a threshold members at 5

A family with 2 (non-'other')adults and 3 (non-'other')children will have a contribution = 10.000 (the lump sum).

A family with 1 adult, 1 ‘other’ adult and 8 (non-'other') children will have a contribution = 10.000 + 1.000 (the ‘other’ adult) + 4*500 (members above threshold = 1 + 8 - 5)

Calculation of the registrations

The 2 same major strategies applies to registrations part calculation: with or without lump sum.

However, the calculation doesn’t take any member characteristic into account (adult/child nor ‘others' vs ‘non-others’):

  • with a registration lump sum, the registrations part is the lump sum

  • without the lump sum, the amount is simply the number of members * registration fee

Calculation of the assemblies

The assemblies follow the exact same logic as the registrations part: 2 strategies (with and without lump sum) and, without lump sum, all members are equally.

Calculation of the discount

The discount is a simple percentage of the 3 other ‘buckets’ (contributions + registrations + assemblies) which is applied only if the enrollment date is before a relative date limit.

Policy Renewal Values

