Policy holder might want to manage his users
Policy holder portal
UC12-6: add users: UserList > add user
UC12-7: update user: UserList > (Search user) >Select User > change details > Save
UC12-8: block user: UserList > (Search user) >Select User > change details > Block
Policy holder insuree
Managing policy holder insure will be possible from the policy holder page, this should be possible for the PolicyHolderClerk
Policy holder portal
UC12-1: Search: My Insuree tab > use the search box > search, the default list will show only the active policy holder insuree
UC12-2: Add: My Insuree tab > 'add' insure > fill the details on the Policy holder insuree page > save
UC12-3: Update (error): My Insuree tab > update the details on the Policy holder page > save
UC12-4: Replace (new version) My Insuree tab > update the details on the Policy holder page > create new version > add ValidityTo
UC12-5: Delete: My insuree tab > "Select" an insuree> Delete
Policy holder portal
UC14-1: search contract > My Contract list >fill search criteria > search
UC14-2: Update details > My Contract list > Select contract > update one/several line > save
UC14-3: Submit/sign "contract" > My Contract list > Select contract(s) > Submit/Sign contract
To manage the group insurance several authorities will be added,
Portal R
Portal C/R/U/D (4 authorities)
Portal Submit
Portal Amend
Portal C/R/U/D (4 authorities)
Portal sent* (TBC)
Portal R
Portal R
Details design
Authorities (prefix 154)
search → 154 001
search → 154 101
create → 154 102
update → 154 103
replace→ 154 106
delete → 154 104
search → 154 201
create → 154 202
update→ 154 203
submit→ 154 207
amend→ 154 209
search → 154 401
create → 154 402
update → 154 403
delete → 154 404
replace→ 154 406
search →154 501
(nice to have: submit→ 154 507)
search→ 154 601
search→ 154 701
search→ 154 801
search→ 154 901
Menu access:
Policyholder Menu should be only active if portalPH search role is attached to the user (in addtion to PH search)
PolicyHolderUser Menu (new in administration) should be accessible only if portalPHUser authority is activated
Policy Holder Users
from https://material-ui.com/components/material-icons/
PolicyHolder search
The STD PH search page can be reused BUT only PH linked to the user in portalPHuser must be displayed
PolicyHolder Card
For the General information or the existing TAB, the portalPH right must be checked in addition to the PH rights, the backend should ensure that an user that have only portalPH right is also linked to the PH displayed
Payment tab should be develop in payment module
Payment Menu should be accessible only if portalPayment search role
only payment related to the PH must be displayed
Payment are read-only