Name | Type | Mandatory | Default | Explanation |
ClaimID | int (PK) | YES | Unique database identifier | |
InsureeID | int | YES | The Insuree receiving the medical services and items | |
ClaimCode | nvarchar (max 8 chars) | YES | Unique code given by Health Facility | |
DateFrom | smalldatetime | YES | Start date of the visit to Health Facility | |
DateTo | smalldatetime | NO | End date of the visit to Health Facility. | |
ICDID | int | YES | The Main Diagnosis | |
ClaimStatus | tinyint | YES | 2 | The Claim Status changing by the adjudication process. |
Adjuster | int | NO | ||
Adjustment | ntext | NO | ||
Claimed | decimal (18, 2) | NO | Total amount claimed by Health Facility: sum of price*quantity for all items and services | |
Approved | decimal (18, 2) | NO | ||
Reinsured | decimal (18, 2) | NO | ||
Valuated | decimal (18, 2) | NO | ||
DateClaimed | date | YES | Current date | The date when the Claim has been entered into openIMIS. |
DateProcessed | smalldatetime | NO | ||
Feedback | bit | YES | 0 | |
FeedbackID | int | NO | 0 | The Feedback form linked to this Claim |
Explanation | ntext | NO | Health Facility’s general explanation for the Claim | |
FeedbackStatus | tinyint | NO | 1 | |
ReviewStatus | tinyint | NO | 1 | The status of the Medical Officer review. |
ApprovalStatus | tinyint | NO | 1 | |
RejectionReason | tinyint | NO | 0 | |
ValidityFrom | datetime | YES | Current date | |
ValidityTo | datetime | NO |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default | Explanation |
LegacyID | int | NO | ||
AuditUserID | int | YES | ||
ValidityFromReview | datetime | NO | ||
ValidityToReview | datetime | NO | ||
AuditUserIDReview | int | NO | ||
RowID | timestamp | NO | ||
HFID | int | YES | FK tblHF | |
RunID | int | NO | FK tblBatchRun | |
AuditUserIDSubmit | int | NO | ||
AuditUserIDProcess | int | NO | ||
SubmitStamp | datetime | NO | ||
ProcessStamp | datetime | NO | ||
Remunerated | decimal (18, 2) | NO | ||
GuaranteeId | nvarchar (max 50 chars) | NO | ||
ClaimAdminId | int | NO | FK tblClaimAdmin | |
ICDID1 | int | NO | ||
ICDID2 | int | NO | ||
ICDID3 | int | NO | ||
ICDID4 | int | NO | ||
VisitType | char (1) | NO | Emergency, Referral, Other | |
ClaimCategory | char (1) | NO | Automatically defined in checking process: Surgery, Delivery, Antenatal, Hospitalisation, Consultation, Visit | |
ClaimUUID | uniqueidentifier | YES | New UUID |
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