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Install Docker Desktop

In order to install the modular openIMIS using Docker, you first need to install Docker Desktop. Please download and install the platform from the Docker Desktop website.

Download openIMIS Docker script

Download and unzip the release from Github openimis-dist_dkr repository into a new folder.

First startup

The first startup is special since it will create the necessary docker images and containers to run openIMIS. To build necessary, docker images, docker-compose relies on local docker files. In order to build these images, you need to clone, next to openimis-dist_dkr/ the following Github repository:

From within openimis-dist_dkr/ directory:

  • create a .env file, providing the following variables:

Code Block
 #DB_SQL_SCRIPT=<URL pointing to the SQL script>
 #ACCEPT_EULA=<must put Y but it means you accept Microsoft EULA for the MSSQL database container>
 DB_HOST=<your database host, or db to use the demo docker 'db' service>
 DB_PORT=<your database port on the host, 1433 if you use the demo docker 'db' service>
 DB_NAME=<your database name, imis if you use the demo docker 'db' service>
 DB_USER=<your database user, sa if you use the demo docker 'db' service >
 DB_PASSWORD=<your database password, generate one if you use the demo docker 'db' service>
 NEW_OPENIMIS_HOST=<(sub)domain under which the (new) openIMIS will be served (e.g. openimis.domaine) >
 LEGACY_OPENIMIS_HOST=<(sub)domain under which legacy openIMIS is served (e.g. >
  • on the same level as openimis-dist_dkr directory, create a new conf directory (this is used for storing instance-specific configuration that will be reused if the docker containers are restarted)

  • if you use the demo docker 'db' service (not for production!):

    • remove the comment for the db service in the docker-compose.yml file (lines 4 to 13)

    • remove the comments from the first two lines DB_SQL_SCRIP and ACCEPT_EULA in the .env file

    • choose the SQL script to create/restore the database in DB_SQL_SCRIPT. Reference models are provided in the database installation tutorial. Example:

      • Empty database:

      • Demo database:

    • accept the Microsoft EULA for the MSSQL database container (set the value of ACCEPT_EULA to Y)

    • build and start the database docker image: docker-compose up db (note: use --force-recreate if you already created the image but want to change the password)

    • create the openIMIS database into the container:

      • docker container ls and spot the line (CONTAINER ID) with openimis-db IMAGE name

      • docker exec <CONTAINER ID> /

  • build and start the gateway (and backend) docker image: docker-compose up gateway (note: at each start, openIMIS will apply the necessary database migrations to update the database scheme)

  • register a letsencrypt certificate for your openIMIS gateway

    • list running containers and spot the gateway: docker container ls (the gateway should be named openimis-gateway)

    • connect to the gateway: docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/sh (sh and not bash)

    • issue the command and follow the setup wizard (provide contact address,

  • register your openIMIS superuser in the gateway:

    • list running containers and spot the gateway: docker container ls (the gateway should be named openimis-gateway)

    • connect to the gateway: docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/sh (sh and not bash)

    • you should be in /script directory, if not, just cd /script)

    • in the gateway container, register your openIMIS superuser: ./ <SUPERUSER_NAME> <SUPER_USER_PASSWORD> Notes:

      • same procedure ( must be followed to add external applications accesses

      • in /script, there are also remove-user.shand

  • If connecting to brand new database, register your openIMIS superuser:

    • list running containers and spot the backend: docker container ls (the gateway should be named openimis-backend)

    • connect to the gateway: docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash (bash and not sh this time)

    • you should be in /openimis-be/openIMIS directory, if not, just cd /openimis-be/openIMIS)

    • register your openIMIS superuser: python createsuperuser (and follow instructions)

stop /start

From within openimis-dist_dkr/ directory: To stop all docker containers: docker-compose stop To (re-)start all docker containers: docker-compose start
