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This document summarizes the openIMIS features provided by the Policies module.


The module features are, among others, used within the scope of Beneficiary Enrollment business processes.

Business definition of the policy dates

Enrolment date: Date when the insuree takes the insurance (not to be mixed up with registration date, where a person gets its insuree number)

Start date: contract start date

Effective date: coverage start date

Expiry date: date of the coverage and contract.

in the default enrollment:

  1. For free enrolment: Start Date = Enrolment Date + Administration Period, Effective Date = Max( Start Date, date of full payment of contributions), Expiry Date=Start Date + Insurance Period

  2. For Fixed enrolment: Start Date = the nearest start of the fixed cycle (Nearest Cycle) provided the full payment of contributions occurs within the Grace Period Payment,, Effective Date = Max(Nearest Cycle, date of fullpayment of contributions), Expiry Date = Start Date +Insurance Period. I don’t go into details with determination of Nearest Cycle-Grace Period Enrolment/Renewal play the role in it.

You see that the rules shows compatibility between free enrolment and fixed enrolment.

Business rationale for the rules is that if an insuree pays later his/her effective duration of coverage shortens. It reduces potential of a moral hazard on the side of the insuree who may speculate and sign his/her policy and pay just before he/she needs health care. He/she still can do it but he/she will penalized by shotening of the coverage (for the full contribution).

There is no coverage in the interval <Start Date, Effective Date|) of course. Potential claims will be rejected. It is the actual consequence of the rules.

Access Rights

There is no straight link between a Policy and a Location. However, a Policy is linked to a Family, which in turn is attached to a health facilitylocation. Besides role-based feature access control (cf. Actors and Roles here below), all policy management actions (querying, entering, ...) are limited by user’s location(s) scope: users can only access/manage policies of families listed for his registered health facilities.


  • there are filters on the location… but a policy is not linked to a specific location. So we assume the location criteria are on policies' families (… which can be down to ‘village’).

  • when double clicking on a policy from the list, the legacy app opens the family overview (!), we’ll replace this by the default behavior (open the entity itself - in this case the policy, but add a ‘open family’ button in the rows to access the family overview from the policies (i.e. as we did for the insurees)

Note about the ‘historical’ checkbox:

The search in ‘historical’ values makes the assumption that archiving is performed “in live table”. This mechanism is under review (for performance reasons). This criteria may not be available anymore (depending on the new archiving mechanism chosen).


  • The policy ‘values’ (deductibility ‘in-patient,…) influenced by the product (i.e. distinct values to fill in depending on the product 'parameters’), please check Policy Value Calculation.

  • Policy amendments are not implemented. To change anything in a policy, one has to close/reopen (or renew) a policy. More specifically:

    • when adding a member to the family, the member is (by default) not covered by the policy (need to be added in the tblInsureePolicy)

    • when removing a member from a family, he remains covered by the policy until policy expiry (or anticipated renewal).

  • Policy status are Idle, Ready, Active, Suspended and Expired. When creating a new policy, it remains in status “Idle” until contribution is recorded for it… in which case it either (based on [ActivationOption] value in [tblIMISDefaults] table, configuration) switches to:

    • “Ready” status (waiting for payment before switching to “Active”)

    • … or straight to “Active” status (without waiting for payment)

once expiry date over, the policy switches to ‘Expired’ (via the policy renewal batch).

An Idle or Active policy can be switched to ‘Suspended’ via the ‘pause’ action button, for “Expired” or “Suspended” policies, the ‘pause’ button is replaced by a ‘renew’ button:


Deleting a Policy

Simple delete (logical, by adding the validity_to date), with confirmation dialog.


The (medical) Service and Item eligibilty check, contributed in Insuree Enquiry screen are part of (calculated from) the policy module and, in legacy openIMIS, implemented via the uspServiceItemEnquiry stored procedure. This stored procedure will be was migrated to a python service in openimis-be-policy_py module.

See details in Service or Item Eligibility

Note: the service is already existing (bridging to the stored procedure) and used from the current enquiry screen, but also the FHIR API.


Then, the Windows Service takes these XML files and HTTP posts them to the SMS gateway, one by one. This is in fact the only time consuming task as the others are pretty quick to execute.

⚠️ There is no feedback from the SMS submission in the database ! The Windows Service only writes the response of the gateway into the Windows Event Log.

Many SMS gateways use asynchronous callbacks to notify delivery failures. We did not find any evidence of this being handled in the existing code.