Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The process bellow will respect the location scope of the users, meaning that, to add a PolicyHolder for a region, the scheme clerk must have access to that very region.
The enrollment process that will be supported is defined by Nepal requirements. Although we try to make it broader, it might not support all the enrollment processes of all group insurances.


Use cases

PolicyHolder (employer)

The first step before enrolling insuree under a PolicyHolder, one needs to make sure that the PolicyHolder is defined in openIMIS. Read right is required to have access to the search/list screen. Managing PolicyHolders will be the role of the Clerk.


  • Code (varchar 32)*

  • TradeName (varchar 256)*

  • LocationsID (fk tblLocations)

    • Not limited to one level

  • Address (json 1024)

  • Phone (varchar 16)

  • Fax (varchar 16)

  • Email (varchar 256)

  • ContactName (json)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm)

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • AccountancyAccount (varchar 64)

  • ?bankAccount (json)( validation: (^.+$))

  • PaymentReference (varchar 128)


  • Phone

    • default :

      Code Block
      "phoneValidation": {
        "regex": /^[0-9]*$/,
        "regexMsg": {
            "en": "Invalid phone number",
            "fr": "Numéro de téléphone invalide"
  • Fax

    • default:

      Code Block
      "faxValidation", {
          "regex": /^[0-9]{8,9}$/,
          "regexMsg": {
              "en": "Invalid fax number",
              "fr": "Numéro de fax invalide"
  • PaymentReference

    • default:

      Code Block
      "paymentReferenceValidation", {
          "regex": /.+/,
          "regexMsg": {
              "en": "Invalid payment reference",
              "fr": "Référence de payement invalide"
  • AccountancyAccount

    • default:

      Code Block
      "accountancyAccountValidation", {
          "regex": /.+/,
          "regexMsg": {
              "en": "Invalid accountancy account",
              "fr": "Numéro de compte comptable invalide"
  • email

    • default:

      Code Block
      "emailValidation", {
          "regexMsg": {
              "en": "Invalid email",
              "fr": "couriel invalide"

The PolicyHolder card

General Information

Once a PolicyHolder view/update page opens from the search list, the "General information" section or tab is displayed with those fields (editable for the one with enough rights):


Code (varchar) (Mandatory, not editable once created)


TradeName (varchar) (Mandatory)

The PolicyHolder card

General Information

Once a PolicyHolder view/update page opens from the search list, the "General information" section or tab is displayed with those fields (editable for the one with enough rights):

  • Code (varchar) (Mandatory, not editable once created)

  • TradeName (varchar) (Mandatory)

  • LocationsUUID (fk tblLocations) - (location contribution_fe) (Mandatory)

  • Address (json): multiline TextInput

  • Phone (varchar): string + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • Fax (varchar): + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • Email (varchar): + std email field validation

  • ContactName (json)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • AccountancyAccount (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • BankAccount (json)

  • PaymentReference (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • DateValidFrom (date) (Mandatory)

  • DateValidTo (date)


    • Code Block
      "regex": /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/,
      "regexMsg": {
          "en": "Invalid email",
          "fr": "Couriel invalide"
  • ContactName (json)

  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )

  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)

  • AccountancyAccount (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • BankAccount (json)

  • PaymentReference (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint

  • DateValidFrom (date) (Mandatory)

  • DateValidTo (date)

The material (Save) UI button will save the changes, when no change are detected the same button should be greyed out

(should have) The tab content (User, insuree, CBP) should be editable after the policy holder is saved (i.e. not before ), reloading the page should be avoided if possible.

PolicyHolder Users


on Policyholder create

all fields should be editable

On PolicyHolder update

all fields but Code and dateValidFrom should be editable

“isDeleted“ Policy holder cannot be updated

PolicyHolder Users

This page will link interactive (openIMIS) user to PolicyHolder, in order to allow them to access the PolicyHolder’s data on the PolicyHolder portal


This page or section could be in different form:

  • a tab in the PolicyHolder page

  • a dedicated page, access from the PolicyHolder page via a link that prefills PolicyHolder search criteria

  • a new "menu" that have the name of the PolicyHolder

PolicyHolder Users search criteria


option to show deleted user



PolicyHolder Users search criteria

  • option to show deleted user

  • Launch search button

  • reset search button

  • DateValidFrom (Today by default)

  • DateValidTo

  • user search (contribution_fe ?)


It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC orderAn empty line at the top of the list with the (plus) add button in place of delete, once filled, new empty line should be displayed.
Or a button will be on the top right of the table + .

PolicyHolder Users create

  • A (plus) button on bottom right of the page. Clicking it results in a popup to add the user.

PolicyHolder Users replace

  • All fields could be changed


  • Fields:

    • User (User picker, required)

    • Policy Holder (Policy Holder picker, required)

    • Date Valid From (Date picker, required),

    • Date Valid To (Date picker)

PolicyHolder Users replace

  • All fields could be changed

PolicyHolder Users edit

  • All fields but the user could be changed

The material (Save) UI button will save all the changes made on the list.

PolicyHolder Insurees


Journal messages

  • Create: <UserLabel> is added on <PHlabel>

  • Delete: <UserLabel> is removed from<PHlabel>

  • Update: <UserLabel> - <PHlabel> is updated

  • Replace: <UserLabelNew> is replacing <UserLabelOld> on <PHlabel>

NTG done: PHUser tab in PH

tab showed if the user have the PHuser rights or the PHPortalUser right + link to PH in PHUser

PolicyHolder Insurees

This pages/section will link the PolicyHolder and a given insuree, and will enable the addition of data on that relationship (contribution plan bundle and calculation rules parameters).


It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC order

PolicyHolder insuree create

  • mandatory fields

    • DateValidFrom

PolicyHolder insuree replace

  • All fields but insuree could be changed


  • (CPB data) contribution_fe CPB module, Dropdown for new and value for existing

  • (calculation data) contribution_fe "calculation/rules" module, (inputs fields, if any)

  • replace, edit and Delete button (TBC)

  • DateValidFrom

  • DateValidTo

It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC order

PolicyHolder PHCPB create

  • All fields could be changed but the PH which is define by the parent page

    • CPB*

    • DateValidFrom*

    • DateValidTo

PolicyHolder PHCPB replace

  • All fields could be changed but the PH which is define by the parent page

    • CPB*

    • DateValidFrom*

    • DateValidTo

PolicyHolder PHCPB edit

  • Only dateValidTo can be changed

An empty line at the top of the list with the (plus) add button in place of delete, once filled, new empty line should be displayed.>
Or a button will be on the top right of the table + a popup to add the PHCPB.

The material (Save) UI button will save all the changes made on the list.

PolicyHolder payment

Same filter As payment, only an addtionnal filter that will be hidden to have only payment with payment details that are linked to PHCPD when a Payment Query $

NTG done: PHPayment tab in PH

tab showed if the user have the PHPayment rights or the PHPortalPayment right + link to PH in PHUser


Idea to make this additionnal filter within the payment module (i.e the payment tab could be a contribution from payment)


It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC order

PolicyHolder PHCPB create

  • All fields could be changed but the PH which is define by the parent page

    • CPB*

    • DateValidFrom*

    • DateValidTo

PolicyHolder PHCPB replace

  • All fields could be changed but the PH which is define by the parent page

    • CPB*

    • DateValidFrom*

    • DateValidTo

PolicyHolder PHCPB edit

  • Only dateValidTo can be changed

An empty line at the top of the list with the (plus) add button in place of delete, once filled, new empty line should be displayed.>
Or a button will be on the top right of the table + a popup to add the PHCPB.

The material (Save) UI button will save all the changes made on the list.

  1. implement “Dynamic“ parameter in the Query

    1. adapt the payment payment query to be able take “dynamic“ filters (I hope this is possible), but don’t use it in the payment module BUT enable the “pre_query“ signals to add filters in the query set

    2. in PH be module, register a signal on the payment “pre_query“, check if there is an PH uuid on the mutation “dynamic“ params, if it is the case and if the user have either the Payment right or (the payment portal right + have a link to PH in PH user table ) then add the filters to retrieve only payment with payment details that are linked to CPD link to PH contracts

    3. the Payment module, should block the query if the user have no right or if there is no additional filter on the query

    4. (Nice to have)in the contract be module, register a signal on the payment “pre_query“, check if there is a contract uuid on the query “dynamic“ params, if it is the case and if the user have either the Payment right or (the payment portal right + have a link to contract PH in PH user table ) then add the filters to retrieve only payment with payment details that are linked to CPD


Link to other entities

  • place holder for other tab / link to search pages → those should be added by contribution_fe

    • 1 tab from the contract module

      • a simple pre-filtered for the contract search → select/double click will lead to contract pages (in the contract scope)shows the contract for the PH

    • 1 tab form the payment module (should haveNTHD):

      • a simple pre-filtered for the payment search → select/double click will lead to contribution pages (made by Bluesquare) TBD

      • shows the payment related to the contract

    •  3 tab from the policy module (Nice to have):

      • a simple pre-filtered tab for the contribution search → select/double click will lead to contribution pages (made by Bluesquare) TBDa simple pre-filtered for the policy search → select/double click will lead to contribution pages (made by Bluesquare) TBD

      • a tab for the policy search

      • a tab for the insureePolicy

Frontend Configuration

  • Get Backend Configuration for the dropdown/enums or duplicate it

  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint for the phone and FAX (Nice to haveNTHD)

    • plus message when the constraint is not respected (in different languages)

  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint for AccountancyAccount (Nice to have)

    • plus message when the constraint is not respected (in different languages)

  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint PaymentReference (Nice to have)

    • plus message when the constraint is not respected (in different languages)
