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Widget Connector


This guide is valid for the installation of the full modular new openIMIS version together with the REST API component.

0. Prerequisite

To install the full modular openIMIS using Docker, you first need first to install Docker on your computer/server. Please visit website to download and install the version that matches your OS.

1. Download openIMIS Docker script

Clone the on your machine into a new folder.

2. First startup

  • create a Create the .env file from the .env.example and configure the environment variables according to the comments in the file.

  • on the same level as openimis-dist_dkr directory, create a new conf directory (this is used for storing instance-specific configuration that will be reused if the docker containers are restarted)

  • if you use the demo docker 'db' service (not for production!):

    • The default database is the demo instance, to set-up an empty instance please setup the database manual from the script attached to each release in the asset section

    • accept the Microsoft EULA for the MSSQL database container (set the value of ACCEPT_EULA to Y)

    • build and start the docker compose: docker-compose up -d

  • Updating the certificates of the frontend is required for production usage openimis-gateway_dkr/certs/.

  • Using the docker database is not advised for production.

  • This docker-compose doesn’t use REDIS and Celery. If multi-backend is required, please check the docker-compose in the openimis-dist_dkr directory or create a ticket.

  • To add a new backend user, you must edit the /conf/.htpasswd in the gateway container (scripts will be written later).


  • By default, PostgreSQL database is used.

  • then run those command in that order to make sure the coreMIS part is properly configured

    Code Block
    docker compose  up -d db
    #wait for the db to be initialised
    sleep 180
    #load the .env file in your shell to have the access to the env variables
    source .env
    source .env.lightning
    # create the lightning database
    docker compose  run -e  PGPASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} --rm db createdb -h db -U ${POSTGRES_USER}  ${POSTGRES_DB}
    set -e
    # init lighning
    docker compose  run --rm  web mix ecto.migrate
    docker compose  run --rm web mix run imisSetupScripts/imisSetup.exs
    #start all modules
    docker compose up -d
    #load opensearch dashbaord
    docker compose  run --rm -e MODE=DEV backend manage upload_opensearch_dashboards --host-domain --imis-password admin123

3. SSL certificate / https

there is a docker-compose that support let’s encrypt certificates

first export NEW_OPENIMIS_HOST ,

dry run

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint " certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/certbot --staging --register-unsafely-without-email -d ${NEW_OPENIMIS_HOST} --rsa-key-size 2048 --agree-tos --force-renewal" certbot

actual setup

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint " certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/certbot --register-unsafely-without-email -d ${NEW_OPENIMIS_HOST} --rsa-key-size 2048 --agree-tos --force-renewal" certbot

4. Actions

From within openimis-dist_dkr/windows directory:

  • To stop all docker containers: docker-compose stop 

  • To (re-)start all docker containers: docker-compose start

  • To pull new images or images update `docker-compose pull`