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Overview on the ground

IMIS was originally developed in Tanzania (2012) under the SDC funded Health Promotion and System Strengthening (HPSS) project implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ( Swiss TPH ). The systems development in Tanzania is ongoing. The system was initially piloted in one region but later expanded to 26, so that all regions in the mainland Tanzania are now using openIMIS.


The server is installed and maintained by PORALG and the project team supports the government’s roll-out and implementation activities. Each region (initially district) operates its own CHF scheme through openIMIS. Enrollments and renewals are handled by village-based enrollment officers. Each health facility (existing staff) undertakes verification and claims submissions for the patients they treat and regional-level teams then manage payment to each facility.

Scheme Details

National Product (some variations exist e.g. in Dar es Salaam):


  • Cashless system for beneficiaries

System Deployment

  • Central Server

    • Hosted at and managed by PORALG (Dodoma)

    • Server firewall

    • Back-up in recovery site in Dar es Salaam

    • Windows Server 2016

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016

    • Dedicated Virtual Machine (VM) for Web Server (Web Application and Web Services)

    • Dedicated VM for database server

    • Dedicated VM for AR IMIS server

    • Dedicated VM for development and training

  • Android phones for enrollment and renewals; used by enrollment assistants

  • Claims submitted to CHF through web interface, Android phones or on paper (subsequently entered through web interface by CHF staff) by health facilities

  • IT team: Exact Software Ltd. (Programing team of 2 - 5 junior programmers, 3 senior programmers/Project Manager), Swiss TPH/HPSS project team (Product Manager, Systems Architect, Senior Insurance Informatics Specialist, IT Systems Analyst and regional IT officers)

Integration and interoperability

The system is currently being integrated with other government systems including:

·       SMS gateway solution to allow enrollment, renewals and payment confirmations to clients.

·       GEPG (Government e-Payment Gateway) solution. 

·       USSD gateway for mobile requests (enquiring, renewal, request control numbers for mobile or bank payments).

Discussions are ongoing for integration of IMIS with the government's GoTHOMIS (Government of Tanzania Hospital Management Information System) system to link health facility claims coming directly to IMIS, as well as the CHF accounting system. In the next phase of the project, integration with other systems will be undertaken based on government-identified priorities.