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Note: This page is under construction. 

Note: The instructions described here applies to openIMIS version 1.3.0 and later. 

Install SQL Server

Note: this installation guide has been developed and tested using SQL Server 2017. Newer or old versions might require adaptations.

  1. Download the desired version of SQL Server (for example, the Express version from
  2. When the installation wizard opens, select the manual configuration option in order to fine-tune the installation process.
  3. On the Features selection:
    1. In Shared Feature section, select SQL Client Connectivity SDK
    2. For installations with Data Warehouse, select Analysis Services, Reporting Services and Integration Services (not available for the Express edition)
  4. On the Instance configuration, the default name (SQLEXPRESS) can be used, unless it is already used by another instance.
  5. On Database engine configuration, select Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication) in Authentication Mode.
  6. Continue the setup process until the installation is complete.

Configure SQL Server

  1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager
    1. On the left panel, select SQL Server Network Configuration → Protocols for SQLEXPRESS (or the name of your SQL Server instance) → Enable Named Pipes and TCP/IP
    2. Select SQL Server Services → right-click on SQL Server instance name and select Restart

Initialise openIMIS database

Note: to facilitate the setting up of the openIMIS database, we suggest to install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). The following procedure is based on SSMS, but you can use the standard SQL Server prompt to proceed with the setup.

  1. First, download the openIMIS database SQL files and migration scripts from Github repository (the source code ZIP file).
  2. If you wish to initialise the database using SSMS, follow the steps: 
    1. Create a new database for the openIMIS instance (e.g. openIMIS.1.3.0 where 1.3.0 is the openIMIS database version).
    2. Choose the database to restore based on your context. There are 3 types of databases (structurally identical, but they are pre-configured differently):
      1. Online: this is the default choice when deploying a central online server
      2. Offline: this mode is sometimes used for remote insurance offices without connectivity. Note: the synchronisation of data with the central server is manual.
      3. Offline HF: this database can be used in remote health facilities without connectivity. Note: the synchronisation of data with the central server is manual.
    3. Execute the initial database creation script provided in the release sources (from the Empty databases folder): open the .sql file and execute the script (make sure the selected database is the one created in step a.)
  3. If you prefer to initialize the database using the shell:
    1. Be careful to adapt the queries to your setup, in the command lines example those assumptions were made:
      1. The ONLINE database is to be initialized
      2. The database is called IMIS_DATABASENAME
      3. The SQL server is called SQL_Server_Name
    2. Run the following commands:

      Code Block
      SqlCmd -E -S SQL_Server_Name -d IMIS_DATABASENAME –i X:\PathToSQLFile\openIMIS_ONLINE.sql

  4. Create a dedicated user with full privilege on the openIMIS database only:
    1. In the SecurityLogins → right-click and select “New Login…
    2. In General page:
      1. Give a login name (e.g. ImisUser)
      2. Select SQL Server authentication and provide a password
      3. Unselect Enforce password expiration
      4. Change the default database to openIMIS
    3. In User Mapping page:
      1. Map openIMIS database to ImisUser user
      2. Give the role of db_owner

Upgrade the openIMIS database


  • Before updating the database make sure the database is not reachable (offline) for the applications (Web Application, Web Services, etc.).
  • The upgrade can be with SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) or from the shell (be careful to adapt the querries to your setup).

To update a production instance and to prevent impacting the production if the migration script failed because of customizations in your openIMIS instance:

  1. Duplicate the database using SSMS or shell (create a full backup of the database and restore it with another database name, e.g. openIMIS.1.3.0)
    1. Shell commands (e.g. duplicate 'openIMIS.1.2.0' database to 'openIMIS.1.3.0' database; please adapt to your situation):

      Code Block
      SqlCmd -E -S SQL_Server_Name –Q "BACKUP DATABASE [openIMIS.1.2.0] TO DISK='X:\PathToBackupLocation\openIMIS.1.2.0.bak'" 
      SqlCmd -E -S SQL_Server_Name –Q "RESTORE DATABASE [openIMIS.1.3.0] FROM DISK='X:\PathToBackupLocation\openIMIS.1.2.0.bak' WITH MOVE 'openIMIS.1.2.0' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\openIMIS.1.3.0.mdf', MOVE 'openIMIS.1.2.0_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\openIMIS.1.3.0_log.ldf'"

  2. Download the openIMIS database SQL files and migration scripts from Github repository (the source code ZIP file).
  3. Execute the migration script on the copy of the database in SSMS or shell
    1. Shell command (e.g. from the current version 1.2.0 to the new version 1.3.0)

      Code Block
      SqlCmd -E -S SQL_Server_Name -d openIMIS.1.3.0 –i "X:\PathToMigrationScript\openIMIS migration v1.2.0 - v1.3.0.sql" 

  4. If the migration script succeeded on the copy, then you can apply the migration script to the production instance or configure the openIMIS application to use the new database (e.g. openIMIS.1.3.0)

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