Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • benefit_provided

    • benefit_package_details_id

    • date_from

    • date_to(nullable)

    • status

    • qty

    • recipient

      • type: insuree / group / user …

      • id

  • benefit_package_details

    • type

      • numberOf

      • amount

      • periodicity

    • benefit_definition(visit hospital … )

      • Type

        • product_item

        • product_service

        • cash

        • other limits (visits, hospitals … )

      • id

        • id of item/service

        • null for other limit

    • value

    • insuree (only for limits that are personnal)/individual

    • benefit package id (policy)

    • balance (actually approved)

    • provisional (submitted claim)

    • temporary (draft claim)

    • limits
