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Core MIS





ETL to load data from targeting module should be part of the targeting module or outside openimis (RDf graphs or openFn)

House hold


Targeting - listing

New - Targeting

Model can be kept

Targeting/payment - Beneficiary Filtering (feature)

New - in core ?

Feature to define search on insuree, need a way to expose “custom“ beneficiary params for the scheme clec to use it in a filter for payment definition or stage for the listing



To be check how to manage the rebate : Sub payement param Or having several payment plan result on the same invoice (both are nice feature for openIMIS)

Payment - Definition

Payment plan

use the product as “program“, the payment plan as way to pay the beneficiary. this means that the result of the eligibility check (Targeting ?) should be the registration in the product

How the “in kind“ benefit should be reflected ? invoice at 0 €


New : Payment distribution ?

Current Core MIS mobile API support required,

Proposed approach:

PPM should add a option on the 3 dot menu of bill (invoice of in kind ? ), this option should create a record that list / link all the invoice attached to the search (not payed)

PPM page should show a list of payment distribution,

each PD should be linked to a user, and have details as list of bills/invoices


New - grievance

Process to be discussed (after all other are clear)


Grievance on invoice or bill because gievance can only apply to “approved” process


New - Task

(similar to Fhir Task) event could be created before its execution (“pending“) and be used by the payment plan to activate or not a payment

Damian Borowiecki