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  • use DHIS filters

  • have “dynamic“ filter based on the user: location


MH: As openimis user I want to see the DHIS visualisation

MH: as system admin I don’t want the user the be able see the credentials

MH: as system admin I want to be able to set the visusalisations URL and defautl filter in the module configuration

SH: As a s system admin I want to be able to create, update and delete group

SH: As a s system admin I want to be able to link and unlink user in group

NTH: As a system admin I want to be able add DHIS credential on the group level (json ext)

NTH: As a system admin I want to be able add DHIS credential on the user level (json ext)

NTH: As a system admin I want the dashboard to use userdhis2 credential if exist, else groupdhis2 credential if exist else config dhis2 credentials

NTH: As a user, I want my dashboard to be filter on my districts/regions

NTH: As a system admin I want to configure the DHIS2 uid for the location in the location page