Versions Compared


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The process bellow will respect the location scope of the users, meaning that to add a policyholder for a region the scheme clerk must have access to that very region.
First the contract will need to be created and approved the payment on a contract will update the status of the contract and the underlying policies
Use cases



Three dots menu

(…) means actions for selected item in the list (cf HF claims)

the three dots menu will apply either to all selected line OR to all records filtered, once an option is selected a confirmation popup will precise the action and how many instance are concerned, the mutation result will show how many entity “update“ were successful and failed


Web application

  • (TBC, could work with scheduler)UC3-1: Add bulk "contract": Policy holder List > select policyholder(s) (or for all the PH part of the search result) > generate bulk contract (…) > enter the date on which the contract must be created if not already covered by previous contract.

  • UC3-10: add “Contract“: Contract search > “Add“ contract > fill the details on the contract page (draft) >save (mandatory fields required) > the insuree from the PH are imported with default calculation params

  • UC3-2: Add "contract" from PH: Policy holder List > Select a Policy Holder > Contract list> Generate contract (the insuree from the PH are imported with default calculation params) > fill the details on the contract page (draft)

  • UC3-11: Access to contract via contract search: Contract search > select contract

  • UC3-12: Access to a contract via PolicyHolder :Policy holder List > Select a Policy Holder > Contract list > Select contract

  • UC3-3: Update contract details: edit button on contract selected >update the details on the contract page (updatable fields will depend on the state) > save

  • UC3-4: Submit (“sign PH)) "contract": contract(s) selected >open contract > Submit/sign contract

  • (TBC)UC3-5: Approve (“sign Insurance“) "Contract" bulk: Select contract(s) > Approve contract (…)(only for submitted contract)

  • UC3-13: Approve (“sign Insurance“) "Contract": Select contract > open contract > contract Reviewed (only for submitted contract)

  • UC3-6: Counter "Contract": Select contract > open contract > ask update (only for submitted contract)

  • UC3-7: Amend "contract": Select contract > open contract > Generate Amendment > confirmation with Amendment number > add details (if it is about a new employee, they should be added before on the employee list)


  • code (varchar icontain, istart)AmountFrom

  • PolicyHolder

  • (nice to have)Insuree

  • AmountFrom - AmountTo (float)

    • Search in the 3 amounts

  • DatePaymentDue (date)

  • State (ConfigEnum:ContractState)

  • PayementReference(string)

  • Amendment ( int 0 for the contract)

  • DateValidFrom

  • DateValidTo

  • Show deleted checkbox

  • search button

  • reset search button


  • approve contract (confirmation box with the number of contract to be approved)

  • counter contract

  • (nice to have): renew contract

  • (nice to have): Add payment

  • (nice to have): Activate policy

Material UI “add” to add a new contract (redirect to new contract page)


  • Save if there is changed

  • if no changes

    • Submit from a “draft”/ “request for information“ / “counter” contract

    • Approve/Counter (reject as sub-option) for “Negotiable” contract

    • Amend(NTH: renew as sub-option) for other status but “terminated“

on contract amend (for contract not terminated, not Negociable nor updatable state )

Code, DateValidFrom cannot be changed

on contract creation

Code, DateValidFrom and DateValidTo is mandatory


will show the contract details

  • insuree picker readonly

  • CBP CPB picker readonly

  • calculation parameters

  • edit and delete button only if

    • with update authority, updatable state

    • with Approve authority, updatable and approvable state


this that is readonly, availabable only in status state NOT approvable or updatable


  • insuree picker (with sort option ASC/DESC)

  • CPB picker (with sort option ASC/DESC)

  • CP picker (with sort option ASC/DESC)

  • Product (with sort option ASC/DESC)

  • Search button

  • reset search button

will show the contract details

  • insuree picker readonly

  • CP picker readonly

  • calculation param

(Nice to have)Contract payment tab

FIXME: Will be described later

Contract Tab on PolicyHolder

search options

it will be possible to search on:

  • code (varchar icontain, istart)

  • AmountFrom - AmountTo (float)

    • Search in the 3 amounts

  • DatePaymentDue (date)

  • State (ConfigEnum:ContractState)

  • PayementReference(string)

  • Amendment ( int 0 for the contract)

  • DateValidFrom

  • DateValidTo

  • Show deleted checkbox

  • search button

  • reset search button

search results column

  • Code

  • state

  • amount ( if not null amountDue else if not null amountRectified else AmountNotified )

    • Nice to have: hoover 3 amounts

  • Payment due date

    • Nice to have: hoover: PayementReference

  • dateValidFrom

  • dateValidTo

  • Amendement

  • update, delete and button

… 3dot menu above the result table with action on single/multi select of contract (if no contract selected, the options applies to all contract from the search result)

  • approve contract (confirmation box with the number of contract to be approved)

  • (nice to have: renew contract)

Material UI “add” to add a new contract (redirect to new contract page)