Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • UUID (char(24) )
  • Code (varchar)
  • Version ( integer - to be used for optimistic locking)
  • TradeName (varchar)
  • LocationsUUID (fk tblLocations)
    • Not limited to one level
  • Address (varchar)
  • Phone (varchar)
  • Fax (varchar)
  • Email (varchar)
  • ContactName (varchar)
  • LegalFormUUID LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )
  • ActivityCodeUUID ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)
  • AccountancyAccount (varchar)
  • PaymentReference (varchar)
  • DateValidFrom (date)
  • DateValidTo (date)
  • Active isActive (bool)
  • Json_ext (json)
  • DateCreated (date)
  • DateUpdated (date)
  • UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)
  • UserCreatedUUID (fk users)


  • UUID (char(24) )
  • Version ( integer - to be used for optimistic locking)
  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)
  • InsureeUUID (fk Insuree)
  • ContributionPlanBundleUUID (fk_contributionPlanBundle)
  • LastPolicyUUID (fk Policy)
  • Json_ext (json)
  • DateCreated (date)
  • DateUpdated (date)
  • UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)
  • UserCreatedUUID (fk users)
  • isActive
  • DateValidFrom (date)
  • DateValidTo (date)


  • UUID (char(24) )
  • Version (integer - to be used for optimistic locking)
  • ContributionPlanBundleUUID (fk_contributionPlanBundle)
  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)
  • Json_ext (json)
  • DateCreated (date)
  • DateUpdated (date)
  • UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)
  • UserCreatedUUID (fk users)
  • Active isActive (bool)
  • DateValidFrom (date)
  • DateValidTo (date)


  • UUID (char(24) )
  • UserUUID (fk_user)
  • PolicyHolderUUID (fk policyHolder)
  • Json_ext (json)
  • DateCreated (date)
  • DateUpdated (date)
  • UserUpdatedUUID (fk users)
  • UserCreatedUUID  (fk users)
  • Active isActive (bool)
  • DateValidFrom (date)
  • DateValidTo (date)


The list of PolicyHolder should use the same layout as other existing list in openIMIS (claims, insuree ...)

Menu: under Insuree and policy menu


  • code (string)
  • Tradename (string) 
  • Location (Select)
  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm ) (Select)
  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity) (Select)
  • DateValidFrom (date) - Date picker
  • DateValidTo (date) - Date picker

search result

  • display name (code - Tradename )
  • Location
  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )
  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)
  • DateValidFrom (date)
  • DateValidTo (date)
  • Delete button at the end

MaterialUI + to add a policy holder

The PolicyHolder card will have:

  • quick summary PolicyHolder information that can be edited (as the opened tab called general information)
  • Code (varchar) (Mandatory)
  • TradeName (varchar) (Mandatory)
  • LocationsUUID (fk tblLocations) (Mandatory)
    • Search for location with Level - Code - Name (all strings)
  • Address (varchar/json): mutliline Box String OR (Address line 1, line2 , post code, city)
  • Phone (varchar): string + configurable Regex for validation/constraint
  • Fax (varchar): + configurable Regex for validation/constraint
  • Email (varchar) + std email field
  • ContactName (varchar/json)
  • LegalForm (configEnum:legalForm )
  • ActivityCode (configEnum:activity)
  • AccountancyAccount (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint
  • ?bankAccount (json) 
  • PaymentReference (varchar) + configurable Regex for validation/constraint
  • DateValidFrom (date) (Mandatory)
  • DateValidTo (date)
  • a tab for the user (user who can access policyholder portal) or link simple pre-filtered for the policyholderuser search
    • option to show inactive user
    • link interactive user to policyholder is allow access on that policy holder data to that user (show only user with one of portal authorities)
      • (User name / names first / last) Contribution of fe user module, Dropdown for new and value (or readonly dropdown preselected) for existing
      • DateValidFrom (date)(input field)
      • DateValidTo (date) (input field)
      • Delete (will put it inactive, change the DateValidTo ) (+ add button in place of delete)
    • add should be a empty line at the top of the list
      • once filled, new empty line should be displayed
    • Save (material UI buttom)
  • a tab for the insuree a or link simple pre-filtered for the policyholderinsuree search
    a possibility to add tab with contribution (
    • Policyholder insure → link between the policyholder and a given insuree + data (contribution planbundle and calc parameters)
    • option to show inactive insuree
    • link interactive user to policyholder is allow access on that policy holder data to that user (show only user with one of portal authorities)
      • (Insuree data) contribution_fe insure module,Dropdown for new and value for existing
      • (contribution plan bundle data) contribution_fe "contribution plan bundle" module, Dropdown of PHCPB for new and value for existing
      • (calculation data) contribution_fe "calculation/rules" module, (inputs fields)
      • DateValidFrom (date) (input field)
      • DateValidTo (date) (input field)
      • Delete (will put it inactive, change the DateValidTo )
    • add should be a empty line at the top of the list (+ add button in place of delete)
      • once filled, new empty line should be displayed
    • Save (material UI buttom)
  • a tab for the PHCPB a or link simple pre-filtered for the PHCPB  search
    • option to show inactive PHCPB
    • link CPB to policyholder is allow access on that policy holder data to that user (show only user with one of portal authorities)
      • ( CPB data) contribution_fe CPB module,Dropdown for new and value for existing
      • (calculation data) contribution_fe "calculation/rules" module, (inputs fields)
      • Delete button
    • add should be a empty line at the top of the list (+ add button in place of delete)
      • once filled, new empty line should be displayed
    • Save (material UI buttom)
  • a possibility to add tab  with (will be the case for the contract and payment)
    •  a simple pre-filtered for the contribution search → select/double click will lead to contribution pages (made by blue square) TBD
    •  a simple pre-filtered for the policy search → select/double click will lead to contribution pages (made by blue square) TBD
  • place holder for other tab / link to search pages → those should be added by contribution_fe


  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint for the phone and FAX (NTH)
  • Get Be Config or duplicate it
  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint for AccountancyAccount (NTH)
  • configurable Regex for validation/constraint PaymentReference (NTH)

When a tab is opened, only the id and the name of the policy holder will be displayed in a top ribbon (as bread crumbs).

Then the tab content will be mainly quick edit pages, this pages will be composed by:


or Prefilled search fields

FIXME: replace UI